Towards circular plastic use with Happy Plastic

Nowadays, more and more people are looking for a sustainable use of raw materials. These are not inexhaustible and the stock is becoming increasingly exhausted. Our sustainable packaging partner Moonen Packaging has developed a solution for reusing plastic. With Happy Plastic, clean LDPE film is returned to customers for recycling and making new products.

Origin of Happy Plastic

The idea arose as a result of the sustainability strategy within Moonen Packaging. As a result of sustainability meetings, they started looking at (circular) solutions. Happy Plastic was created because of the circular concept. It turns out that a large amount of this film is still incinerated, which is a waste of the expensive and scarcer raw materials. Why burn something when you can recycle it?

Construction of the recycling process

The recycling project is designed in such a way that we make bales from the foil at Moonen. This saves a lot of volume. The bales go to the recycler, which breaks the film down into small pieces, cleans it and melts it into granulate. This granulate is used to make satchels or garbage bags, for example. The bags are then delivered back to our customers.

What has it already delivered?

At the moment we have pressed approximately 11 bales of +/- 250 kg. So in total approximately 2750 kg. We see that since HC Distribution is connected, more plastic is available for recycling. For the imagination, 2750 kg is approximately 550 satchels full of plastic. A great start!


As soon as the pilot has been successfully completed, we can certainly let more customers join! Depending on the volume of LDPE at the customer, we look at the options. For example, companies in the Weert region could deliver the LDPE knapsacks to us for recycling.

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