Less plastic packaging

We believe in fully sustainable e-fulfilment. Now and in the future.

In the Netherlands, an average of seven packages per person are opened every day, which creates a large amount of waste. About 20 percent of our total waste consists of packaging. However, packaging has a major impact on the environment. Plastic packaging in particular has a bad image. Almost all packaging requires raw materials and energy to make it. In addition, they generate waste, with most plastic packaging having a major disadvantage that they do not perish in nature. E-Fulfillment Hub therefore tries to make a contribution and uses less plastic packaging and more sustainable packaging.

Less plastic packaging and more sustainable packaging

The number of online orders is increasing and with it the number of packaging. However, these packaging have a significant impact on the environment. Today, most companies only look at the most suitable packaging solution. e-Fulfillment Hub sees it differently. Because sustainability is high on our agenda, we also look at the sustainability aspect of packaging. We believe in fully sustainable e-fulfilment. By using less plastic packaging and more sustainable packaging, we try to make a contribution to the environment. In addition, there is also a growing demand from the market for sustainable packaging. The market is therefore calling for the use of more sustainable packaging.

The packaging manager of e-Fulfillment Hub

e-Fulfillment Hub has developed the packaging manager together with partner Moonen Packaging. This packaging manager not only seeks a connection with your processes, but also looks further. In this way it becomes possible to save considerably on money, CO2 emissions, space and time. We are also working on sustainable packaging.

Would you also like to use less plastic packaging and more sustainable packaging? Please contact us.

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